Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Think, for a second. All right.
Now think of something else.
What did you think of?

Think of all the things that you could have thought of, from musing upon the past, to contemplating the infinite excesses of the future, to present counterfactuals, to imaginaria, problems, solutions, corundums and doldrums. Think of all the good times that simply rolled, and those that sat like a rabid hippopotamus surrounded by the vertical sea. And all the birds, the bees and the potatoes.

Now go in a step further and refine.

Think not of counterfactuals, of musings of what could have been, and what might have been if the past had been what it could have been. What has happened, has happened, and you are where you are, for all the multiverses in all of their infinite wisdom cannot prove otherwise. At least, not yet.

Think, in the meanwhile, for you surely you ought to have freed up some space among all that grey matter, of what could be, depending only on what you do now. Of conclusions, results and outcomes based on non predeterminate input actions, and of possibilities, and the probabilities of their happening. Fantasize about the wide world, and everything that is in, on, off, remotely connected to, abrstactly visualizable, completely irrational, seemingly logical nuances that comprise it. It takes all kinds.

Sum them up over all of the dimensions that you can think of.
You get one, no?

Then think of the fact that you could actually have done something instead of simply sitting and thinking.

And finally, think of the cat in the box, and the fact that indeterminacy is a way of life. So is asymmetry, by the way. And that the blackness is where the light seems brightest. Nope, not metaphors. only tautologies.

And if in the course of these contemplations you happen to hit upon the solutions to one of humanity's greatest mysteries, then do one of the following:

1. if its a mathematical theorem, relax. take a shower. and then rush out in the middle and run around shouting 'eureka' till you get arrested for public indecency, or pelted with stones.
2. if its an earth changing physical revelation about the matter and fabric of the universe, then go to germany and occupy a position at the patent office over there.
3. if you realise who the one true love of your life is, then call her up. (assume) Either it will work out, or it wont. no sense in sitting and thinking. you've done that enough already.
4. if its a solution to world peace (fight less), the food shortage (grow more potatoes), AIDS (porn/condoms), the depleting ozone layer(fart less), or what the girl next door is wearing today (black lace, one can always wish, can't they) and any of the ten billion thousand other problems, then mail us at Actually, no.
5. and if you found the answer to life, the universe and everything, then go cry in a corner. Somebody's done that already.

And if that isn't an experiment enough, my dear, then what is?


Unknown said...

thoroughly enjoyed reading it! some comeback huh?

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